Despite being a relatively new arrival on the commercial holiday scene, online and offline sales on Single’s day has already exceeded both ‘Black Friday’ and ‘Cyber Monday’. Single’s day, also known as Bachelor’s day, started in the 1990s as a day for Nanjing university students to celebrate their bachelordom. Even though it was originally made as the antithesis to Valentine’s day, it has ironically become a popular day for weddings to be held in China.
Thanks to the marketing work and sales promotions of Chinese retailers such as Alibaba, year after year more brands and consumers began to take part in the holiday. By 2015, singles day broke the record for the most revenue generated by a single company within 24 hours ($14bn). In 2020, the sales hit $75bn on Alibaba alone and expectations are the holiday will hit a new record in 2021. Managing the burden of handling the sheer number of purchases requires a stable platform such as Alibaba cloud.
Alibaba Cloud has enjoyed exceptional growth in the past decade and is the number 1 cloud provider in the Asia Pacific region. Alibaba offers a variety of cloud storage options and features, including hybrid storage, data transfer, data recovery, CDN and many more.
China Telecom (Europe) has a network of terrestrial and submarine cables and serves as a one-stop shop providing superior low-latency and improved resilience to and from the China-APAC region. China Telecom offers a world-class global capacity, delivering approximately 70T with 200 POP sites distributed globally.
By combining Alibaba Cloud services with China Telecom (Europe)’s robust global infrastructure, businesses can take advantage of a premium Multi-cloud access platform.
Providing enhanced connectivity between Europe and the China and Asia pacific region, this multi-cloud access offering is fully compliant with respective data protection laws can work with existing solutions such as P2P Ethernet lines, MPLS VPNs or existing SD-WAN. Customers also benefit from Alibaba Cloud and China Telecom certified, multilingual and experienced engineers and customer support agents who are available 24/7.
Customers can choose between two scenarios based on their requirements. Scenario 1 includes a P2P (peer-to-peer) connection from the cloud to the on-premises customer site. Scenario 2 is a multi-site elastic connection, from any site to any other.

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